1.0 What is modeling and
model is a product includes physical or digital that represents a system of
interest. A model is similar to but simpler than the system it represents,
while approximating most of the same salient features of the real system as
close as possible. A good model is a judicious tradeoff between realism and
simplicity. A key feature of a model is manipulability. A model can be a
physical model or a conceptual model. The example of the physical model is
physical architectural house scale model, a model aircraft, a fashion mannequin, or a model organism in
biology research. While, the conceptual model are computer model, a statistical
or mathematical model, and a business model.
word ‘simulation’ comes from the Latin simulare. Simulation defined as the imitation
of the operation of a real world process or system over time. The act of
stimulating something first requires that a model be developed. This model
represents the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected physical or
abstract system or process. The model also represents the system itself,
whereas the simulation represents the operation of the system over time. It also
involves the manipulation of a model in such a way that it operates on time or
space to compress it, thus enabling one to perceive the interactions that would
not otherwise be apparent because of their separation in time or space.
is usually understood as the process of generating reality. In its prevailing
sense simulation is concerned with the representation of systems by suitably
defined models and observing the operation of such models under a particular
set of conditions. The simulation also includes the numerical technique for
conducting experiments on a digital computer, which involves logical and
mathematical relationships that interact to describe the behavior and the
structure of a complex real world system over an extended period of time.
simulation generally refers to a computerized version of the model which is run
over time to study the implications of the defined interactions. Simulations
are generally iterative in their development. One develops a model, simulates
it, learns from the simulation, revises the model, and continues the iterations
until an adequate level of understanding is developed.
2.0 What is modelling and
simulation in education?
In a general sense, a model is a
representation of a phenomenon, an object, or idea (Gilbert, 2000). In science,
a model is the outcome of representing an object, phenomenon or idea (the
target) with a more familiar one (the source) (Tregidgo & Ratcliffe, 2000).
For example, one model of the structure of an atom (target) is the arrangement
of planets orbiting the Sun (source) (Tregidgo & Ratcliffe, 2000).
take many forms, including physical objects, plans, mental constructions, mathematical
equations, and computer simulations. Modeling can enable students to share
modeling and their perspectives of real scientists’ characteristics; that is,
it can provide one situation to foster students’ knowledge of constructing and
combing content, inquiry, epistemological realization. Models are tentative
schemes or structures that correspond to real objects, events, or classes of
events, and that have explanatory power . A model is, in general, a representation
of an idea, an object, an event, a process, or a system. A mental model is an internal
representation of an object, states of affairs, or a sequence of events or
processes, of how the world is, and of physiological and everyday social
are two categories of models in science education which are conceptual model
and mental model. The conceptual model is suitable to use in teaching and
learning because this models are devised as tools for the understanding or
teaching of systems. In addition to this, conceptual models are external
representations--socially constructed and shared which are precise, complete
and consistent with the shared scientific knowledge specially created to facilitate
the comprehension or the teaching of the systems in the world (Greace &
Moreira, 2000). On the other hand, mental models are what people really have in
their heads and what guides their use of things (Norman, 1983). Buckley et al.
(2004) also viewed mental models as internal, cognitive representations. Conceptual
models include mathematical models, computer models, and physical models. Mental
models are psychological representations of real or imaginary situations. They occur
in a person’s mind as that person perceives and conceptualizes the situations
happening in the world (Franco & Colinvaux, 2000). Norman (1983) indicates that
mental models are related to what people have in their heads and what guides
them using these things in their minds. In order to understand mental models,
their characteristics should be considered.
In science education, teachers
should help students realize the importance of every question, and appreciate
the need for such a comprehensive process for successful problem solving.
Models and modeling already play an important role in teaching and teachers commonly
use models to explain ideas to students.
are representations of situations or processes by means of something analogous.
Computer simulations represent the real world by use of a computer program.
Simulations can be a valuable tool in the science classroom. They can exemplify
scientific concepts and situations thereby allowing students to explore the
nature of things. Issues such as cost, safety, scope, time and scale can be
overcome by the use of a scientific simulation. Computer simulations help
visual learners understand the problems that they would not thoroughly
understand simply through reading about them or solving word problems. The
sophistication and variety of computer simulations in the field of science are
increasing rapidly.
simulations are a useful supplemental tool for student learning and
understanding. Individuals who require more information on a topic or concept
can be directed to a simulation to help further complete their knowledge
building. Additionally, students with holes or gaps in their learning may find
computer simulations a good way to incorporate foundational information into
their understanding. Simulations also provide multiple
chances to practice that including higher risk attempts that could cause
spectacular failures and to learn, retry, and master new skills more rapidly
and with less effort than through experiences not mediated by computers. In
teacher preparation, simulations that provide targeted feedback can develop
teachers’ understanding and practice, and may be as effective as in-classroom
field experience.
3.0 Simulation Theory (ST)
history of simulation theory reaches back quite far. Simulation (or empathy)
has roots in Dilthey’s Verstehen methodology and Goldman (unpublished) argues
that the great philosophers Hume and especially Kant had strong simulation in
learnings. Similarly, Perner & Howes (1992) describe that simulation is an
old idea in developmental psychology circles which has great importance in
Piaget’s psychology. In particular, simulation – known as role-taking or
perspective-taking in Piaget’s theory – helps young children overcome their
egocentric views.
to Fuller (1995), simulation and empathy were “killed and buried” by the
positivists (p. 19). They distinguished between the context of discovery and
the context of justification and claimed that empathy only belonged to the
former context. While simulation can be used as a great heuristic device to
suggest predictive and explanatory hypotheses, it cannot be used to justify
these hypotheses – formulation and testing of generalizations have to be done
for a proper justification. However, empathy and simulation have been
resurrected in the last few decades. Putnam (cited in Fuller, 1995, p. 19), for
example, argues that empathy plays a role in justification of hypotheses
because it “gives plausibility”.
theory (ST) today has a strong influence on the philosophy of mind debate. ST
suggests that we do not understand others through the use of a folk
psychological theory. Rather, we use our own mental apparatus to form
predictions and explanations of someone by putting ourselves in the shoes of
another person and simulating them. ST is often described as an off-line
simulation, although there are philosophers who maintain that off-line
simulation is only an ancillary hypothesis of ST (see Davies & Stone,
1995a, p. 4). In off-line simulation, one takes one’s own decision-making
system off-line and supplies it with pretend inputs of beliefs and desires of
the person one wishes to simulate in order to predict their behavior. One then
lets one’s decision-making system do the work and come to a prediction.
are many variants of ST, some differing more than others. While some
philosophers suggest a hybrid theory of Theory Theory (TT) and ST, others argue
that ST should replace the predominant TT. Gordon, for example, who holds some
of the strongest claims, suggests that simulation is fundamental to the mastery
of psychological concepts and that it has ramifications for the ontology of
psychological states (Fuller, 1995). While there are many varieties and
different views of ST, all have in common that simulation acts as a very
effective device for forming predictions and explanations. This leads to an
important implication of ST. Since simulation depends on one’s own mental
apparatus, it is clear that ST (in contrast to TT) is attributor dependent.
4.0 What are the differences
between modelling and simulation?
Modeling is creating a ‘model’ which
represents an object or a system with its all or subset of properties. A model
may be exactly the same as the original system or sometimes approximations make
it deviates from the real system.
Simulation is a technique of
studying and analyzing the behavior of a real world or an imaginary system by
mimicking it with a computer application. A simulation is working on a mathematical
model that describes the system. In a simulation, one or more variable of the
mathematical model is changed and resulted changes in other variables are
observed. Simulations enable users to predict the behavior of the real world
system. Simulations are also used to train people for some specific activities
and react to unexpected situations.
5.0 Why use modelling and
is a method of solving problems, in which the system under study is replaced by
a simple object that describes the real system and/or its behavior and is
called a model. Experiments via simulation model have several important
advantages versus physical experiments. For example is by using simulation, we
can save our time. As we know, in the real world evaluating the long-term
impact of process or design changes can take months or years. A simulation
model will inform our thinking in only minutes. Besides, simulation also can
save our money. Designing, building, testing, redesigning, rebuilding, and
retesting of the whole project can be an expensive project. Simulations take
the building or rebuilding phase out of the loop by using the model already
created in the design phase. Most of the time the simulation testing is cheaper
and faster than performing the multiple tests of the design each time.
Furthermore, we can get accurate results from the simulation. A simulation can
give the results that are not experimentally measurable with our current level
of technology.
simulation also can give benefits during conducting experiments or any projects.
For example, computer simulation offers the opportunity to experiment with
phenomena or events, which for a number of reasons, cannot normally be
experimented with in the traditional way. Bork (1981) remarks: 'Simulations
provide students with experience that may be difficult or impossible to obtain
in everyday life'. In class, it is not possible to experiment actively with an
economic system. The only thing the teacher can do is to discuss the nature and
content of the system. Experimenting would surely be useful because this can
generate an insight into the functioning of the economic system. Besides,
computer simulation programs can be used in education to give the student more
feeling for reality in some abstract fields of learning. Foster (1984) says
about this: 'Simulations can be entertaining because of dramatic and game-like
6.0 When to use modelling and
studying the use of simulations in the classroom have reported positive
findings overall. The literature indicates that simulations can be effective in
developing content knowledge and process skills, as well as in promoting more
complicated goals such as inquiry and conceptual change. Gains in student
understanding and achievement have been reported in general science process
skills and across specific subject areas, including physics, chemistry,
biology, and Earth and space science (Kulik 2002).
is used before an existing system is altered or a new system built. The reason
is to reduce or minimize the chances of failure. So, the specifications
will be meets, unforeseen bottlenecks can be eliminated, the resources will be
prevented under or over-utilization and the system performance can be optimized.
Simulations should be used in conjunction with hands-on labs and activities
that also address the concepts targeted by the simulation. A simulation
generally refers to a computerized version of the model which is run over time
to study the implications of the defined interactions. Simulations are
generally iterative in their development. One develops a model, simulates it,
learns from the simulation, revises the model, and continues the iterations
until an adequate level of understanding is developed. Simulation should be
used when the consequences of a proposed action, plan or design cannot be directly
and immediately observed. When preceding a hands-on activity, a simulation may
familiarize students with a concept under a focused environment.
and simulation is fast becoming a familiar term and tool among students in the
science subjects. But it is more than that. Modelling and simulation is a
discipline with its own body of knowledge, theory, and research methodology. At
the core of the discipline is the fundamental notion that models are
approximations of the real-world. Models are created approximating an event.
The model is then followed by simulation, which allows for the repeated
observation of the model. Analysis, the ability to draw conclusions, verify and
validate (V&V), and make recommendations based on various simulations of
the model, is the third component to modelling. These basic precepts coupled
with visualization, the ability to represent data as a way to interface with
the model, make modeling and simulation a problem-based discipline that allows
for repeated testing of a hypothesis. Teaching these precepts and providing
research and development opportunities is core to modeling and simulation
education and research.
7.0 What is modeling and simulation
Simulation experiments are no less
instructive, but are typically best run using a structured and organized
methodology. Once, finish the system model, to get the most out of simulation
experiments, we need to manage what design factors to consider, what analyses
to run, and what performance metrics we want to analyze. With these and other
options, it’s easy to see that the experiment matrix can get pretty
complicated. So, a way to manage simulation experiments is important.
software is an example of simulation and modelling that can be used to conduct
any experiment or projects. It is a flexible computer modelling package with an
easy, intuitive interface that allows users to construct dynamic models that
realistically simulate biological systems. Given the combination of ease of use
and modeling power, the STELLA system is ideal to interface with student
investigative experiences. In its most
basic form, modelling in STELLA proceeds in three steps which are constructing
a qualitative model, parameterizing it, and exploring the model's dynamics.
STELLA modelling is employed in combination with investigative exercises and
experiments. The modelling helps students develop hypothesis, explore
predictions, summarize experimental results, and extend their results to novel
scenarios. STELLA provides the flexibility
to allow students to model a variety of experimental systems and the power to
provide for meaningful outcomes that relate to specific biological content.
8.0 Constructivist lesson design
that integrates modelling and simulation
a STELLA model involves three steps which are constructing a model,
parameterizing a model and exploring model dyanamic. Constructing a Model is to
build a qualitative model, modelers first define stocks. Stocks represent anything that can accumulate
or changes in number and are related to the biological question of interest. In
addition to tangible, physical accumulations, stocks can represent degrees of
non-physical entities such as knowledge.
Next, users construct links to variables that affect the size of the
stocks. These are usually direct inputs
or outputs modeled using flows. For
example in a population, births would represent a flow into the population. The magnitude of these flows can be adjusted
by converters using links or be affected by the size of stocks in a
density-dependent manner. During this first modeling step, students are forced
to consider what the essential elements of the biological problem are, and how
they qualitatively influence one another.
Their resulting models are not unlike concept maps.
second step is parameterizing the model. During this step, students quantify
the relationships among elements in their model. STELLA allows both linear and non-linear
relationships to be expressed. Once
again, students need to apply their understanding of the biological problem to
assist in this process. The last step is exploring model dyanamic. This is to
explore the model output. Modelers
generate output in tabular and/or graphical form to explore quantitative or
qualitative outcomes. Also, modelers
can manipulate parameters easily and perform sensitivity analysis.
modeling is combination with investigative exercises and experiments. The modeling helps students develop
hypotheses, explore predictions, summarize experimental results, and extend
their results to novel scenarios. STELLA
provides the flexibility to allow students to model a variety of experimental
systems and the power to provide for meaningful outcomes that relate to
specific biological content.
are many samples of simulation experiment in STELLA software. The example of an
experiment that I choose is a Simple Nitrogen Cycle.
The nitrogen cycle is the process by
which nitrogen is converted between its various chemical forms. This
transformation can be carried out through both biological and physical
processes. The important processes in the nitrogen cycle include fixation,
mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification. The nitrogen cycle is of
particular interest to ecologists because nitrogen availability can affect the
rate of key ecosystem processes, including primary production and
decomposition. Human activities such as fossil fuel combustion, use of
artificial nitrogen fertilizers, and release of nitrogen in wastewater have
dramatically altered the global nitrogen cycle.
Nitrogen is present in the
environment in a wide variety of chemical forms including organic nitrogen,
ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2-), nitrate (NO3-), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric
oxide (NO) or inorganic nitrogen gas (N2). Organic nitrogen may be in the form
of a living organism, humus or in the intermediate products of organic matter
decomposition. The processes of the nitrogen cycle transforms nitrogen from one
form to another. Many of those processes are carried out by microbes, either in
their effort to harvest energy or to accumulate nitrogen in a form needed for
their growth. The diagram above shows how these processes fit together to form
the nitrogen cycle. The nitrogen Cycle includes nitrogen fixation, conversation
of N2, assimilation, ammonification, nitrification, denitrification,
and anaerobic ammonium oxidation.
using STELLA software, there are four parameter involves such as humification
fraction, mineralization fraction, nitrogen per unit biomass and fixation
productivity. Humification process is the transformation of organic matter into
humus, is a fascinating process. Organic materials such as manure or field
wastes,when disked into the upper three to six inches of topsoil, will undergo
several changes. The humification process involves first catabolism, then
anabolism. Mineralization is the process by which microbes decompose organic
nitrogen from manure, organic matter and crop residues to ammonium. Because it
is a biological process, rates of mineralization vary with soil temperature,
moisture and the amount of oxygen in the soil (aeration).
experiment was run. The result includes four graphs. At the beginning, the
experiment was run without changing any parameters. This result will act as a
controller for the whole experiment.
1 act as a control for this experiment. The values of all parameters were fixed
and will be referred to the next experiment. From the graph, students will
observed that, when the value of the humification
fraction is 0.2500 and mineralization fraction value is 0.0500, all the values
of nitrogen in humus (humus: refers to any organic matter that has reached a
point of stability, where it will break down no further and might, if
conditions do not change, remain as it is for centuries, if not millennia),
nitrogen in organic matter, nitrogen in biomass and available nitrogen constant
for each time. This is because, the organic matter becomes the limiting factor.
the second time running, the parameters of humification fraction was acting as
manipulated variables. The humification fraction button was adjusted and the
value is increased to half of the fraction,0.5100. The result obtained must
compared to Graph 1.
Graph 2, when the humification fraction increased, students will observed that,
the nitrogen in humus also increased and
the value of nitrogen in organic matter becomes decreased. It is because, when the
process of humification increased, the amount of organic matter transforms into
humus become greater. So, the nitrogen in organic matter reduced (due to a
large number of nitrogen in organic matter converted into humus).
The values of nitrogen in organic matter
higher than nitrogen in biomass in time 0.00 to 5.00. Over time 5.00, both
values were same and constant. While, the values of nitrogen available were
lowest than others. At a certain time, all the values of parameters become
constant due to limiting factor of organic matter.
the third time running, the parameters of humification fraction was acting as
manipulated variables. The humification fraction button was adjusted and the
value is increased to the maximized values which is 1.0000, higher than the
second run. The result obtained must compared to Graph 1.
Graph 3
Graph 3, when the humification fraction maximized, students will observed that,
the nitrogen in humus also increased (greater than Graph 2) and the value of nitrogen in organic matter
becomes decreased (lower than Graph 2). It is because, when the process of
humification increased, the amount of organic matter transforms into humus
become greater. So, the nitrogen in organic matter reduced (due to a large
number of nitrogen in organic matter converted into humus).
values of nitrogen in organic matter lower than nitrogen in biomass in time
0.00 to 1.00. Over time 1.00, both values were same and constant. While, the
values of nitrogen available were lower than others but precise to the values
of nitrogen in organic matter. At a certain time, all the values of parameters
become constant due to limiting factor of organic matter.
the last time running, the parameters of mineralization fraction were acting as
manipulated variables. The mineralization fraction button was adjusted and the
value is increased to 0.1000. The result
obtained must compared to Graph 1.
Graph 4, when the mineralization fraction increased, students will observed
that, the nitrogen in organic matter increased and the value of nitrogen in
humus decreased. It is because, when the process of mineralization increased,
more nitrogen in organic matter will decompose into ammonium. So, the nitrogen
in humus reduced (due to a large number of nitrogen in organic matter
decomposed into ammonium)
values of nitrogen in organic matter higher than nitrogen in biomass in time
0.00 to 5.00. Over time 5.00, both values become constant. While, the values of
nitrogen available were lower than others. At a certain time, all the values of
parameters become constant due to limiting factor of organic matter.
run the experiment by using STELLA software, students will realized that, the
results was changing due to the adjustment of each parameters. Students also
can relate the humification fraction and mineralization fraction was closely involve
in humification process and mineralization process. Both process very important
and will affect the nitrogen cycle.
the end of simulation experiment, students can conclude that, the values of humification
fraction and mineralization fraction are dependent on the amounts of organic
matter. If the amount of organic matter become the limiting factor, the process
will affected.
9.0 Conclusion
STELLA software
is an example of the best computer simulation experiment. After run the
experiment by using this software, the experiment becomes more interesting and
easier. As we know, simple nitrogen cycle occurs for a long time. So, by using this software, I realize that simulation in
education is very important. As we know, science subject has many experiments
to do. By using simulation experiment, teacher and students can run the
experiments in class easily. Additionally,
we can change the parameters to get
different result. Furthermore, graphs analyzing become more easier and
the conclusion, computer simulation has the potential to enhance the way of
teaching and learning. It allows us to bring even the most abstract concepts to
life for students and incorporate otherwise impossible or impractical
experiences into daily instruction. The students will engage in inquiry,
further develop their knowledge and conceptual understanding of the content,
gain meaningful practice with scientific process skills and confront their
misconceptions. Additionally, the students also will gain scientific habits of
mind that are both encouraged in the recent reform documents and necessary for
future careers in Science.
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